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Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain was born on 15th April 1996 to mother Simeen Hossain and father Waquer Hossain. After studying in Sir John Wilson until class 2, he went on to join the American International School of Dhaka. After that, Faraaz went on to pursue higher education at the prestigious Emory University in Atlanta, USA.

A jovial and outgoing person, Faraaz’s passion lay in taking his country forward through his contribution to the corporate world, but he had an affinity for sports. A crazed Manchester United fan, he religiously followed his favorite team and joked that he would one day be the team's manager.
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Faraaz having worked very closely with the Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed (CRP), the Faraaz Hossain Foundation has tied up with CRP in its vision of helping the disabled people in Bangladesh to gain the skills and become productive members of the society.


Rohingya Relief Work
The Faraaz Hossain Foundation took its very first steps with a relief effort for the distressed Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. The entire community joined hands in providing donations to more than 15000 Rohingya refugees.



The Faraaz Hossain Foundation is a community of incredible individuals with the passion to pave a brighter future of our world, brought together by a foundation of the invincible spirit that Faraaz embodies. Breaking past man-made boundaries such as race, religion or nationality, the Faraaz Hossain Foundation aims to spread the indomitable will of living by one’s values and doing what is right by ourselves and those around us, without fearing the consequence.
With Faraaz in our hearts, we move forward with our mission to change one life at a time, spreading smiles among those around us; instilling the spirit of courage, friendship and humanity in every life we touch so that Faraaz may remain in our hearts for generations to come.

We are Faraaz.






Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice 2016

Harmony Foundation awarded the Prestigious Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice 2016 posthumously to Faraaz Hossain. This honour was conferred on him for his brave act against terror and oppression as he stayed by his friends, Abinta and Tarishi, when given the chance to leave.


DCI Humanitarian Award
Yale University, USA

Distressed Children and Infants International awarded Faraaz with the Humanitarian Award during its 6th International Conference on Child Rights and Sights at Yale University, USA. DCI recognized Faraaz for having displayed the exemplary values of humanity and leadership that the organization strives to instill in young future leaders.


Hossain-Kabir Room Inauguration at
Emory University, USA

On March 29th, 2017, Emory University took the decision that they would not leave Faraaz as a mere memory. They decided that they would honour Faraaz and Abinta as symbols of the values on which the institution is grounded; to honour two of their own students who touched every life they came across, two of their very own who will be cherished forever. Emory University inaugurated the Hossain-Kabir Room at their Oxford College campus, deciding that Faraaz and Abinta will forever remain at the core of the university's heart.


Garden of the Righteous

Garden of the Righteous is a commemorative garden, set up at the Italian Embassy in the Tunisian capital Tunis in honour of righteous individuals. Faraaz Hossain is the only non-Arab Muslim inducted into the Garden of the Righteous for fighting against the terrorism that plagues our world today.


Faraaz Challenge Cup 2017 and Faraaz Gold Cup 2018

The legends of Bangladesh football Sonali Otit Club along with Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) organized its first inter-university football competition; they named the competition "Faraaz Challenge Cup" with the intention of carrying Faraaz's spirit through the sport of football. It was announced during the finals that with the intention of taking Faraaz's name forward with football, the inter-university tournament would continue in the years ahead as the Faraaz Gold Cup.


DCI Humanitarian Award
Dhaka, Bangladesh

On February 3rd, 2017, Distressed Children and Infants International held their event in Dhaka, Bangladesh where they awarded Faraaz with the Humanitarian Award. With this award, DCI believes that Faraaz's values of courage, friendship and humanity will help them in their mission to nurture responsible and compassionate world citizens and future leaders.


Faraaz Hossain Courage Award

Faraaz Hossain Courage Award is a PepsiCo Global initiative to recognize acts of exceptional courage by individuals setting examples of empathy for fellow human beings, to encourage the spirit of bravery among Bangladeshi youth, the very spirit that Faraaz inspires.

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Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice 2016

Harmony Foundation awarded the Prestigious Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice 2016 posthumously to Faraaz Hossain. This honour was conferred on him for his brave act against terror and oppression as he stayed by his friends, Abinta and Tarishi, when given the chance to leave.
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DCI Humanitarian Award
Yale University, USA

Distressed Children and Infants International awarded Faraaz with the Humanitarian Award during its 6th International Conference on Child Rights and Sights at Yale University, USA. DCI recognized Faraaz for having displayed the exemplary values of humanity and leadership that the organization strives to instill in young future leaders.
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Hossain-Kabir Room Inauguration at
Emory University, USA

On March 29th, 2017, Emory University took the decision that they would not leave Faraaz as a mere memory. They decided that they would honour Faraaz and Abinta as symbols of the values on which the institution is grounded; to honour two of their own students who touched every life they came across, two of their very own who will be cherished forever. Emory University inaugurated the Hossain-Kabir Room at their Oxford College campus, deciding that Faraaz and Abinta will forever remain at the core of the university's heart.
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Garden of the Righteous

Garden of the Righteous is a commemorative garden, set up at the Italian Embassy in the Tunisian capital Tunis in honour of righteous individuals. Faraaz Hossain is the only non-Arab Muslim inducted into the Garden of the Righteous for fighting against the terrorism that plagues our world today.
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Faraaz Challenge Cup 2017 and Faraaz Gold Cup 2018

The legends of Bangladesh football Sonali Otit Club along with Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) organized its first inter-university football competition; they named the competition "Faraaz Challenge Cup" with the intention of carrying Faraaz's spirit through the sport of football. It was announced during the finals that with the intention of taking Faraaz's name forward with football, the inter-university tournament would continue in the years ahead as the Faraaz Gold Cup.
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DCI Humanitarian Award
Dhaka, Bangladesh

On February 3rd, 2017, Distressed Children and Infants International held their event in Dhaka, Bangladesh where they awarded Faraaz with the Humanitarian Award. With this award, DCI believes that Faraaz's values of courage, friendship and humanity will help them in their mission to nurture responsible and compassionate world citizens and future leaders.
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Faraaz Hossain Courage Award

Faraaz Hossain Courage Award is a PepsiCo Global initiative to recognize acts of exceptional courage by individuals setting examples of empathy for fellow human beings, to encourage the spirit of bravery among Bangladeshi youth, the very spirit that Faraaz inspires.



“That night Faraaz refused to be defined as a bengali, he refused to be defined as a muslim. That night Faraaz insisted on being defined as a friend, as a human being. Given a moment's notice, he did not surrender to fear, he did not side with those that peddle hate. He chose love instead.”

Indra K. Nooyi Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo INC.

“Faraaz is truly my personal inspiration. I am inspired by him every single day. When I'm in the midst of a tough dilemma, a moral dilemma, I now ask myself, what would Faraaz have done in that situation? Does this pass The Faraaz Test?”

Sanjeev Chadha CEO, PepsiCo Asia, Middle East and North Africa (AMENA)

“On one of the darkest nights of our nation's history, Faraaz's courage, loyalty & love was the light.”

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG Founder & Chairperson, BRAC

“Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain, a young 20 year old man, who showed the world that he would not cower in front of the barrel of a gun, but his conviction of his love for his fellow human being was greater than any power that stood in front of him.”

Dr. Ravi Zacharias International Motivational Speaker Founder and Chairman of the Board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

“I think it’s very important that we record in our hearts that the glory of Islam shines through the deeds of Faraaz.”

Mahesh Bhatt Director, Producer, Screenwriter

“A young brave heart, who lost his life because he saw himself as part of a larger humanity and not just a Muslim.”

Shazia Ilmi Social Activist, Journalist, Politician

“When I think of what that young man did, really my faith in humanity surges up. And I put myself in that place, in his place and I wonder whether I would have had the courage to do what he did. He was a believer, he was a practicing Muslim and that to me is really really special, that he showed that a real believer will do the right thing.”

Shabana Azmi Actress, Social activist

“It was the mother, who built into him the love for humanity and when the terrorists wanted him to go, it was the training that he had at home that he said, ‘No, I will die and live with my friends, not just desert my friends.’ This is the upbringing and I think we all, not only in India, but in the whole world, is proud of that mother.”

Dr. Farooq Abdullah Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir

“I was honoured to present the award, Mother Teresa Award, to Faraaz Hossain’s memory, to his mother. But as his mother said, he was also a practicing Muslim. It shows that a practicing Muslim and a good upbringing and the inner built humanity in him, all three joined hands to give him the courage to sacrifice his life.”

Hamid Karzai Former President of Afghanistan

“Faraaz showed determination, he showed courage of conviction, he demonstrated the highest value of doing what is right.”

Latifur Rahman Grandfather of Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain